Monday, June 27, 2011

Danny Boy, a Rescued kitty with allergies finds relief from Paleopets diet - A true story .mov

This is fun to watch! The Paloepet diet cured this kitty! On March 20, 2011, Danny was left in a cat carrier at a pet store. He was soaked with his own urine. Allergies plagued his eyes and ears. He was lethargic, sick, and in need of proper medical care. Mites filled his ears. On June, 8, 2011, a knowledgeable Vet, Dr. Coghlan provided the relief Danny needed to recover (the Paleopets Diet) My kitty Roxy joined Danny eating the raw diet. Since being on the diet poops don't smell as much, less pee in the litter boxes and a dramatic decrease in drinking water (a full bowl after three days.) Roxy no longer has bad breath. They are excited to eat and they eat it all at a leisurely pace. There is noticeable less shedding, coats are softer, with a glow. More activity during the day - walking around, exploring, watching, talking, instigating play, all around more vibrant beings! Liz adds that they are more fun to have around and their personalities shine more. Info can be found in many places. Some information referenced can be found at:


  1. Your comments are welcomed. Please pass this video on to friends in hope that other kitty's will benefit. We hope we made a fun video with helpful information.

  2. To see how to make the Paleopet diet, go to
