Sunday, October 30, 2011

Managing a Healthy Diet : Foods to Avoid for Weight Loss

Learn foods to avoid for weight loss in this free health video. Expert: Brenda Thompson Contact: Bio: Brenda L. Thompson is a licensed dietitian and professional chef. She had struggled with weight her entire life. After some extreme life experiences, she decided to change her life for the best. Filmmaker: Drew Noah


  1. The EGG....she had an egg on the plate but didn't say anything about it. I've seen a lot of info that says eggs are good sources of energy because of protein and that that have healthy fats. Any input on eggs?????

  2. @bd5035 Eggs in MODERATION are great. You want to find free range eggs, because even though they're more expensive, they're more nutritious. Eggs are a good source of vitamin A, B1, B12, D and E as well as folate, phosphorus, zinc and iron (and even vitamin D!). A standard egg also contains around the same amount of protein as a serve of meat, but if you're diabetic or have high cholesterol you'll want to speak with a dietitian first...

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  4. healthwellnesschoiceJune 30, 2011 at 10:27 AM

    Some good points... but, what to do when you have eaten these foods... like when you've indulged over the holidays? And, even when you are avoiding these "bad" foods, the body is exposed to toxins from the environment, which cause weight gain. Try total body cleansing.

  5. Interesting points, good post.
    I've been trying to lose weight for a while and there are some good tips and general advice here: bestweightloss-supplements . com
    If it can at all help you, then all the better.

  6. @CrystalRemnant no their not you destroy lifes before they exist. those poor chicks didnt even get a chance, and they make you stick like shit, people who eat eggs are sick

  7. @localSickened you're an idiot, right?

  8. @CrystalRemnant naw enjoy your eggs but dont et to much because eggs have lots of cholestoral if too much consumed

  9. @localSickened I do enjoy eggs; even people with high cholestoral can enjoy whole eggs. Please don't comment on something you know nothing about :)

  10. my dietician said 4 eggs a week are fine

  11. lol im watching foods to avoid for diet and the ad was for hungry jacks -.-

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  13. Why us she reading from a script

  14. whts the egg??...eggs is good for u

  15. @TGSBoy

    The one I saw was for Digorno Pizza. lol

  16. @vietguy808

    The egg was there but she never mentioned it. Eggs, especially hard boiled, are very good for you but I would limit the yolk and eat mostly the white part.

  17. eggs are one of the best things you can have for your morning meal

  18. that is the best looking health bar i have ever seen

  19. @redneck500 It doesn't. What sabbir1978 posted qualifies as spam.

  20. This woman is an idiot. Like many so-called health experts, she doles out some misleading information, such as the idea that high-fat foods will not help you lose weight. Actually, if you want to lose weight, you need to eat foods such as eggs, bacon, cheese, steak, etc. The foods you should avoid are those that contain sugar, starches, and refined carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. She is correct that you should not use hydrogenated oils, though.

  21. @jlgbgky bacon and cheese...

  22. Butter, whipped cream, whole milk, lard, eggs ????? WTF ?!?! Who is this idiotic liar ? OH come on! Those are the foods that you absolutely should be part of your diet if you want to be healthy and lose weight! Go and watch psychetruth's videos! Gosh this is so ridiculous!! Foods that you should NOT eat are many vegetable oils such as canola oil, processed foods, sugar, carbs (bad ones)...

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  24. TheSecretsOfLife2011June 30, 2011 at 10:27 AM

    Great vid.
    Feel free to watch The Secrets Of Weight Loss on my channel.

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